Thursday, April 21, 2016

What Are The Steps Of Positive Thinking?

Becoming a positive thinker is easy when you know the steps of positive thinking...

...and of course, you also apply them!

To benefit from positive thinking you need to be able to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.

How do you do that?

Follow these steps of positive thinking:

Be aware of your thoughts. Choose a quiet spot to just sit and observe what goes on in your mind. Don't engage with any thought; just watch how your mind wanders. Meditation helps to do this.
Most people are over-identified with their thoughts and as a consequence they suffer. Be aware of your thoughts. Realize that your mind is not you.

Realize your negative thoughts.You may need a bit of soul-searching, as some of our negative thoughts are really deep beliefs about life.
Negative thoughts trigger negative emotions. A negative emotion (fear, jealousy, worry, anger, and many more) points at something going on that doesn't match with what you actually want or are.

Most people often just react to the negative emotions. You can take your negative emotions as indicators that you are maintaining negative thoughts.

Don't be at the mercy of your emotions; rather use them to know yourself better and understand which thoughts and beliefs cause your negative emotions and why.

Change your negative thoughts for positive ones. You can only think of one thing at a time, so if you think about something positive, there is no room for negativity.

Acknowledge the existence of the negative thought. Replace it for a positive one.

For example, if you find yourself worrying about money and bills to pay, you could instead think that you always have all the money you need at any point, or you could feel grateful that you have money to spend.

This example is simple though. If you wanted to dig deeper, you could still think about what is worrying you, but in a way that is positive about it and made you feel good. Having a positive attitude is seeing the glass half full.

You can always be supportive of yourself and take the necessary steps of positive thinking by repeating these positive self statements. There are also other good positive thinking programs that can help you become a more positive person.

Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

There are times that it does not seem so easy to get rid of negative thoughts, especially if you think you have a large problem.

Notice that I say "seem" because thinking positive is ultimately a matter of choice, and it is always possible.

When we feel down our mind just tricks us to think that it is much more difficult than it actually is.

We need to acknowledge when we feel overwhelmed. If the circumstances are just "too much", let them be for a while and focus on living in the present you are in.

Come back to your issues when you are ready to deal with them.

From that point on, the power is yours to follow these steps of positive thinking and choose something positive to focus on. You may use these quotes for positive thinking to inspire you or take up on one of these positive thinking activities.

Beware though...

If your negative emotions repeat themselves frequently and show a pattern, you may be keeping an old belief that does not match with what you now want.

In this case, thinking about something different and positive will not help you in the long run: the negative emotion will come back.

These steps of positive thinking will help you in the moment, but it is better to deal with the actual ingrained belief and stop having negative emotions altogether.

You may like to explore why you keep a belief that makes you feel bad. Wouldn't it make sense to change it for a belief that makes you feel good?

Talking about beliefs, Norman Vincent Peale combined positive thinking and Christianity in his famous book "The power of positive thinking". You may like to check this out if you are a Christian.

Summing up the steps of positive thinking:

Be aware of having thoughts
Use your negative emotions as indicators that you are having negative thoughts

Replace your negative thoughts for positive ones

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10 Must Read Life Lessons from Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama was a great spiritual leader from ancient India who founded Buddhism. In most Buddhist traditions, he is considered the Supreme Buddha. “Buddha” is interpreted to mean “awakened one” or “the enlightened one.”
Siddhartha is the primary figure in Buddhism, and the accounts of his life, teachings, and monastic rules were recapitulated after his death and memorized by his followers.
Today I want to discuss some very important life lessons which I’ve derived from the teachings of Buddha.

10 Must Read Life Lessons from Buddha:

1. Its Okay to Start Small

“A jug fills drop by drop.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Every artist was once an amateur.”
We all start small, do not despise small beginnings. If you’re consistent, and if you’re patient, you will succeed! No one succeeds over night; success belongs to those who are willing to start small and patiently work until their jug is filled.

2. Thoughts Become Things

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.”
Buddha said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” James Allen said, “Man is mind.”
In order to live rightly, you must fill your mind with “right” thoughts.
Your thinking determines your actions; your actions determine your outcome. Right thinking will grant you everything you desire; wrong thinking is a vice that will eventually destroy you.
If you change your thinking you will change your life. Buddha said, “All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?”

3. Forgive

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
When you release those who you are holding captive in the prison of un-forgiveness, it is you who is released from prison. You can’t keep someone down, without staying down with them. Learn to forgive, learn to forgive quickly.

4. It’s Your Actions That Count

“However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?”
They say “Talk is cheap,” because it is. To progress you must act; to progress quickly, you must act daily. Greatness will not fall upon you!
Greatness is for everyone, but only those who are willing to act consistently will experience it. There’s a proverb that goes, “God gives every bird a worm, but he doesn’t throw it into their nest.” To be great you must act great. Buddha said, “I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.”

5. Seek to Understand

“In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.”
Stephen Covey said, “Seek to understand first, then to be understood.” Easily said, very difficult to do; you must labor to understand the “other” person’s perspective. When you feel anger rising, let it cease. Listen to others, understand their perspective, and you will have more peace. Be more concerned with being happy, than being right

6. Conquer Yourself

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”
He who can conquer himself is greater than the mighty. To conquer yourself you must conquer your mind. You must control your thinking. Your thoughts cannot be tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea. You may be thinking, “I can’t control my thoughts, if a thought comes, it comes.” To that I say, you may not be able to stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can certainly stop him from building a nest in your hair. Dismiss thoughts that are contrary to the life you desire to live. Buddha said, “It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways.”

7. Live in Peace

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
Don’t look without for something that can only be found within. Many times we may look without only to distract ourselves from the reality we know is true. That reality is that peace can only be found within. Peace is not a new job, peace is not a new car, or a new spouse….peace is a new perspective, and that new perspective begins with you.

8. Be Thankful

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”
There’s always something to be thankful for. Don’t be so pessimistic that for a moment, even a split moment, you fail to realize the thousands of things you have to be thankful for. Everyone didn’t wake up this morning; some people went to sleep last night for the last time. There’s always something to be grateful for, recognize it, and give thanks. A grateful heart will make you great!

9. Be True to What You Know

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.”
We know a lot, but we don’t always do what we know. If you fail, it won’t be because you didn’t know; it will be because you didn’t do what you knew to do. Work to do what you know to do. Don’t just consume information, but ponder on thoughts that are conducive to what you desire to become until you have a burning desire to manifest it.

10. Travel Well

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”
Life is about the journey! I’m not trying to arrive, I’m already there. I am happy, and content, and satisfied where I am today. I may experience nicer places, and finer wines, but I am traveling well. Don’t put off your happiness into some nebulous time in the future based on some goal that you think will bring you happiness. Travel well today, enjoy the journey.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why Someone Ask The Question That We Hate??

It's another beautiful day of life when you are going to learn something new. We learn something new on everyday. So, just be patient and happy and live life with desire.

It is a story shared by one person who had his birthday and something happened which he had never dream of!!! Whoa, he said that on his 34th birthday something happen which he can never forget. His best friend ask him the question that was quite unpredictable and asked on the wrong time and occasion. He added that the hurt from your best friend is the second most bad thing that could happen to you and that affects in two way. One is that it will hurt you and second is that you will also lose your friend. Now let's come to the situation that he described happened on his birthday.

According to the person when he was working in one company everything was going quite well until one day when he was given two choices and he need to make one choice. Whatever he choice he made that will affect him from the next day itself. He said that some years ago when he was working he had been harassed by some one and when he complained about it to the higher authority in first place they said that they will look over it and do something but they did nothing. Then after about a week later they gave him two choices that will affect him from the next day itself. One choice is to forget what happened and continue his job like nothing happened and the second choice was that he quit the job. He took some time to think and then he choose first choice. He continue with his job and then everything was going quite well.

He said that on his 34th birthday his friend ask him a question that ''why didn't he quit the job?''. He had hardly forgot everything and trying to live with peace. But the question from his friend made him to remember those tough memories again. He didn't answer the question and just go away from him. He also said that the pain that your best friend give is the second most painful memory that you would have.

So, always support your friend whom you value and never ever hurt them or if you hurt due to some reason then apologize immediately. Thank you reading this article!!!
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