Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Mistakes: Makes Us Learn For Better Ourselves.

          Mistakes simply show us something that we didn't already know. Hmm... It sounds like those dreaded mistakes that we're so afraid of... and those dreaded mistakes that we try so hard to avoid... don't really have to be looked at as dreaded mistakes and painful experiences after all.

          We can view our mistakes through a different lens and now see a friendly, lovable mentor, or a caring, patient teacher, or maybe even a wise and winning coach that is just trying to point something out to us that we need to know, but don't already know.

          So I guess it would be beneficial for all of us to change our paradigm of mistakes from one of a foe to one of a friend. Changing this paradigm though will require one to control their thoughts. Thoughts become things. Negative thoughts put us in closer proximity to negative things.

          The good news is that we can avoid this negativity trap by just changing or model or paradigm of what mistakes really mean to us. We must control our thoughts. We must believe that mistakes are an old wise mentor pointing out a few things that we don't know yet. This new way of looking at mistakes pushes us into taking action and helps us stop small mounds of trouble from growing into massive mountains of misery.

          We can avoid the Mt. Everest shadow from over-taking us by just being grateful for the small mistakes that we make today. Those small mistakes of today are just pointing out some small things that we don't already know while simultaneously helping us avoid the big, ugly, and nasty mistakes lurking in the shadows of tomorrow.

          Now moms, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, mistakes are our friends because they just simply show us some things that we didn't already know. So let's control our thoughts and remember that mistakes are good because they teach us many valuable lessons. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

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Sunday, December 11, 2016

What is Beautiful : Everything is Beautiful.

Have you ever wondered what is really beautiful? Let me take you to a tour of what is really beautiful.

When a Mother and her two twins child are playing on a beach in the evening then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When a Father and her daughter are playing in the garden and father is saying to his daughter let's go, but daughter is saying 10 more minutes please dad and father says okay, then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When a couple is enjoying their weekend with their child on a hill station and then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When a grandfather, father and his child are playing together in the garden which is full of awesome flowers and that by seeing that you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When two sisters are sitting together on a bench and sharing their problems, supporting each other and smiling together then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When you open your social site in mobile and suddenly you see picture of a person with whom you are not in touch with for long time then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When you are standing in the balcony of 16th floor flat and you see natural beauty then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When you are wondering on a street and you see suddenly it's started raining and due to that everything looks differently awesome and also you see a rainbow in the sky then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

Thank you so much for your precious time. Please do share your ideas about what you think is beautiful.
You can also share it with your friends and other people. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Think about how you are interacting with other people in your life as well as in business.

Here are six different kind of paradigms that can categorise people into six types.

1) WIN/WIN Paradigm

These are people who think for themselves to win and also with them they want others also to win with them.
Let us take an example.
If someone owns a store and he need win then he need to win his customers so that he can have long term relation with them and can get profit. In the same manner form where he import the stock for them he is a customer and the supplier would like to win over his customer. So, in the manner if they stick with win/win paradigm it will benefit both of them.

2) WIN/LOSE Paradigm

These are people who wants to win over other people and wants others to lose. So these doesn't have long term relation with their customer.
take an example, if you own a business and you forcefully win over your customer once, but surely that customer will not come again to the same person. So, those people will not have long term relation with them and will struggle for future build up of customer.

3) LOSE/WIN Paradigm

These are people who are usually please or appease. They have little courage for expressing their own feelings. They let others win over them and let themselves lose just in order to build a good quality relation. But people will take advantage of this kind of peoples. So, these peoples are somewhat weaker.

4) LOSE/LOSE Paradigm

Here, both side people wants to get win over other people. No one will agree to lose and don't let others to win. So, in this paradigm no person will win and both sided people will lose. So, this is the worst kind of paradigm situation.

5) WIN Paradigm

Here the person is only concerned with his win strategy. He has nothing to do with another person. These people just wants themselves success(win) and move ahead for something else.

It basically means that if we can't find a solution that would benefit both of us, we agree to disagree-No Deal. No expectations have been created, no performance contracts established. So, basically this indirectly direct towards win/win paradigm means I want to win, and I want you to win.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Who do you work for?

A group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago. They promised their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. Rushing through the airport, one of these salesmen kicked over a table full of baskets of apples. Apples flew everywhere. They didn’t stop because they would have missed their plane if they did…except one.

He told his buddies to go on without him, to call his wife when they arrived home and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the floor and the 16 year-old girl selling them was crying softly. She was blind, on her knees, groping for the apples.

The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, and helped set the display back up. As he did, he noticed some of the apples were bruised.

When he finished, he said to the girl, "Here, please take this $20 for the damage we did."

She nodded through her tears and said, "Mister, do you work for God?”

Remember to help where you can and don’t get in too big a hurry as you make a life, and not just a living.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

What do you see?

I recently came to know a story about listening to life with his grandson. They sat together, eating M&Ms. After a handful or so, the little guy started staring at one of the candies.

“What do you see?” the grandfather asked.

“Well, I see an M,” the boy said. He turned the candy slowly around about a quarter of a turn.

“Now I see a 3,” he said, and turned the candy again.

“And there’s a W,” he said, turning the candy.

“And look! There’s an E,” he told his grandfather. “And that’s all,” he said, and popped the candy in his mouth.

Amazing, isn’t it, what you can see when you just change your perspective a little bit. As little as a quarter turn in your viewpoint can open up a whole new world for you, can’t it?

Whatever you’re looking at in your life, turn it towards God and see it from God’s perspective. A whole new way of listening to life and making a life, not just a living is waiting for you when you do!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Life is to Enjoy not to Stress.

Man was walking on the road with his son.
Suddenly it started raining.
Man started running and stood below shop to keep away from the rain.
Whereas on the other side, child took off his bag and started enjoying the rain.
He was running here and there to feel the drops of the rain.
Man looked at him and felt relaxed.
He then took off his coat and started enjoying the drops of rain.
He felt so relaxed and forgot all his stress and tensions of work.

In the same manner we almost forgot the beautiful and delicious in front of us.
Sometimes it is good to forgot all your stress and tensions and enjoy the life that you have.
If you get up in the morning thank god for giving another beautiful day so that you can enjoy it not to waste it.
Make other people happy and always have a decent smile on your face.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Still It's his fault not her.

She asked him out and he said yes.
She asked his favor and he said yes.
She asked his help and without taking any second he said yes.
She hurt him and he didn't say anything.

He asked her and after so much excuses she said yes.
He asked her favor and showing attitude she said yes.
He asked her help and showing ego she had done very little.
He didn't hurt her but still she said it's all his fault.

Monday, April 25, 2016

#Equality Bodh2


Man was sitting alone on a chair.
Suddenly a thought flash in his mind.
If the terrorist attack over here, how will I save everybody.
He then thinking himself as a savior who is fighting back to the terrorist and saving people.
And finally he visualize himself as saving the people.

Woman was sitting alone on a chair.
Suddenly a thought flash in her mind.
If I will go to shopping what will I buy.
She them thinking herself buying branded clothes and looking pretty.

And finally she visualize herself as a Princess.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

#Equality Bodh1


Man was walking alone on the road in the midnight.
He heard some sound and felt like someone is behind him.
He looked back and found no one.
Suddenly a thought came in his mind that maybe ghost is there.
He prayed to god to save him from that ghost.

Woman was walking alone on the road in the midnight.
She heard some sound and felt like someone is behind her.
She looked back and found no one.
Suddenly a thought came in her mind that maybe man is there.
She prayed to god to save her from that man.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

What Are The Steps Of Positive Thinking?

Becoming a positive thinker is easy when you know the steps of positive thinking...

...and of course, you also apply them!

To benefit from positive thinking you need to be able to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.

How do you do that?

Follow these steps of positive thinking:

Be aware of your thoughts. Choose a quiet spot to just sit and observe what goes on in your mind. Don't engage with any thought; just watch how your mind wanders. Meditation helps to do this.
Most people are over-identified with their thoughts and as a consequence they suffer. Be aware of your thoughts. Realize that your mind is not you.

Realize your negative thoughts.You may need a bit of soul-searching, as some of our negative thoughts are really deep beliefs about life.
Negative thoughts trigger negative emotions. A negative emotion (fear, jealousy, worry, anger, and many more) points at something going on that doesn't match with what you actually want or are.

Most people often just react to the negative emotions. You can take your negative emotions as indicators that you are maintaining negative thoughts.

Don't be at the mercy of your emotions; rather use them to know yourself better and understand which thoughts and beliefs cause your negative emotions and why.

Change your negative thoughts for positive ones. You can only think of one thing at a time, so if you think about something positive, there is no room for negativity.

Acknowledge the existence of the negative thought. Replace it for a positive one.

For example, if you find yourself worrying about money and bills to pay, you could instead think that you always have all the money you need at any point, or you could feel grateful that you have money to spend.

This example is simple though. If you wanted to dig deeper, you could still think about what is worrying you, but in a way that is positive about it and made you feel good. Having a positive attitude is seeing the glass half full.

You can always be supportive of yourself and take the necessary steps of positive thinking by repeating these positive self statements. There are also other good positive thinking programs that can help you become a more positive person.

Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

There are times that it does not seem so easy to get rid of negative thoughts, especially if you think you have a large problem.

Notice that I say "seem" because thinking positive is ultimately a matter of choice, and it is always possible.

When we feel down our mind just tricks us to think that it is much more difficult than it actually is.

We need to acknowledge when we feel overwhelmed. If the circumstances are just "too much", let them be for a while and focus on living in the present you are in.

Come back to your issues when you are ready to deal with them.

From that point on, the power is yours to follow these steps of positive thinking and choose something positive to focus on. You may use these quotes for positive thinking to inspire you or take up on one of these positive thinking activities.

Beware though...

If your negative emotions repeat themselves frequently and show a pattern, you may be keeping an old belief that does not match with what you now want.

In this case, thinking about something different and positive will not help you in the long run: the negative emotion will come back.

These steps of positive thinking will help you in the moment, but it is better to deal with the actual ingrained belief and stop having negative emotions altogether.

You may like to explore why you keep a belief that makes you feel bad. Wouldn't it make sense to change it for a belief that makes you feel good?

Talking about beliefs, Norman Vincent Peale combined positive thinking and Christianity in his famous book "The power of positive thinking". You may like to check this out if you are a Christian.

Summing up the steps of positive thinking:

Be aware of having thoughts
Use your negative emotions as indicators that you are having negative thoughts

Replace your negative thoughts for positive ones

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10 Must Read Life Lessons from Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama was a great spiritual leader from ancient India who founded Buddhism. In most Buddhist traditions, he is considered the Supreme Buddha. “Buddha” is interpreted to mean “awakened one” or “the enlightened one.”
Siddhartha is the primary figure in Buddhism, and the accounts of his life, teachings, and monastic rules were recapitulated after his death and memorized by his followers.
Today I want to discuss some very important life lessons which I’ve derived from the teachings of Buddha.

10 Must Read Life Lessons from Buddha:

1. Its Okay to Start Small

“A jug fills drop by drop.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Every artist was once an amateur.”
We all start small, do not despise small beginnings. If you’re consistent, and if you’re patient, you will succeed! No one succeeds over night; success belongs to those who are willing to start small and patiently work until their jug is filled.

2. Thoughts Become Things

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.”
Buddha said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” James Allen said, “Man is mind.”
In order to live rightly, you must fill your mind with “right” thoughts.
Your thinking determines your actions; your actions determine your outcome. Right thinking will grant you everything you desire; wrong thinking is a vice that will eventually destroy you.
If you change your thinking you will change your life. Buddha said, “All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?”

3. Forgive

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
When you release those who you are holding captive in the prison of un-forgiveness, it is you who is released from prison. You can’t keep someone down, without staying down with them. Learn to forgive, learn to forgive quickly.

4. It’s Your Actions That Count

“However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?”
They say “Talk is cheap,” because it is. To progress you must act; to progress quickly, you must act daily. Greatness will not fall upon you!
Greatness is for everyone, but only those who are willing to act consistently will experience it. There’s a proverb that goes, “God gives every bird a worm, but he doesn’t throw it into their nest.” To be great you must act great. Buddha said, “I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.”

5. Seek to Understand

“In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.”
Stephen Covey said, “Seek to understand first, then to be understood.” Easily said, very difficult to do; you must labor to understand the “other” person’s perspective. When you feel anger rising, let it cease. Listen to others, understand their perspective, and you will have more peace. Be more concerned with being happy, than being right

6. Conquer Yourself

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”
He who can conquer himself is greater than the mighty. To conquer yourself you must conquer your mind. You must control your thinking. Your thoughts cannot be tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea. You may be thinking, “I can’t control my thoughts, if a thought comes, it comes.” To that I say, you may not be able to stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can certainly stop him from building a nest in your hair. Dismiss thoughts that are contrary to the life you desire to live. Buddha said, “It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways.”

7. Live in Peace

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
Don’t look without for something that can only be found within. Many times we may look without only to distract ourselves from the reality we know is true. That reality is that peace can only be found within. Peace is not a new job, peace is not a new car, or a new spouse….peace is a new perspective, and that new perspective begins with you.

8. Be Thankful

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”
There’s always something to be thankful for. Don’t be so pessimistic that for a moment, even a split moment, you fail to realize the thousands of things you have to be thankful for. Everyone didn’t wake up this morning; some people went to sleep last night for the last time. There’s always something to be grateful for, recognize it, and give thanks. A grateful heart will make you great!

9. Be True to What You Know

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.”
We know a lot, but we don’t always do what we know. If you fail, it won’t be because you didn’t know; it will be because you didn’t do what you knew to do. Work to do what you know to do. Don’t just consume information, but ponder on thoughts that are conducive to what you desire to become until you have a burning desire to manifest it.

10. Travel Well

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”
Life is about the journey! I’m not trying to arrive, I’m already there. I am happy, and content, and satisfied where I am today. I may experience nicer places, and finer wines, but I am traveling well. Don’t put off your happiness into some nebulous time in the future based on some goal that you think will bring you happiness. Travel well today, enjoy the journey.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why Someone Ask The Question That We Hate??

It's another beautiful day of life when you are going to learn something new. We learn something new on everyday. So, just be patient and happy and live life with desire.

It is a story shared by one person who had his birthday and something happened which he had never dream of!!! Whoa, he said that on his 34th birthday something happen which he can never forget. His best friend ask him the question that was quite unpredictable and asked on the wrong time and occasion. He added that the hurt from your best friend is the second most bad thing that could happen to you and that affects in two way. One is that it will hurt you and second is that you will also lose your friend. Now let's come to the situation that he described happened on his birthday.

According to the person when he was working in one company everything was going quite well until one day when he was given two choices and he need to make one choice. Whatever he choice he made that will affect him from the next day itself. He said that some years ago when he was working he had been harassed by some one and when he complained about it to the higher authority in first place they said that they will look over it and do something but they did nothing. Then after about a week later they gave him two choices that will affect him from the next day itself. One choice is to forget what happened and continue his job like nothing happened and the second choice was that he quit the job. He took some time to think and then he choose first choice. He continue with his job and then everything was going quite well.

He said that on his 34th birthday his friend ask him a question that ''why didn't he quit the job?''. He had hardly forgot everything and trying to live with peace. But the question from his friend made him to remember those tough memories again. He didn't answer the question and just go away from him. He also said that the pain that your best friend give is the second most painful memory that you would have.

So, always support your friend whom you value and never ever hurt them or if you hurt due to some reason then apologize immediately. Thank you reading this article!!!
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Sunday, April 17, 2016

It is the Little Things That Make A Big Difference

There was a man taking a morning walk at or the beach. There were many starfish. He saw the tide had come and starfish were left on the ground and with the sunrays, they would die. The tide was fresh and the starfish were alive. The man took a few steps, picked one and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly. Right behind him there was another person who could not understand what this man was doing. He caught up with him and asked, “What are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?” This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw it into the water, and said, ‘It makes a difference to this one.”

What difference are we making? Big or small, it does not matter If everyone made a small difference, we would end up with a big difference, wouldn’t we?

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

100 percent is Attitude?

OH! 100 percent... So good listen that everyone wants 100 percent and it is also good to have 100 percent. Yes. In life everyone wants 100 percent for him/herself. Why should one thinks that he/she wants only 99 percent. There such example of how attitude becomes 100 percent.

Let's check one mathematical expression for how Attitude=100.
If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 then...

Then  S-K-I-L-L = 63 percent (19+11+9+12+12)
          S-U-C-C-E-S-S = 89 percent (19+21+3+3+5+19+19)
          K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E = 96 percent (11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5)
          H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K = 98 percent (8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11)
          M-E-D-I-T-A-T-I-N = 110 percent (13+5+4+9+20+1+20+9+15+14) 
          P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E = 115 percent (16+15+19+9+20+9+22+5)
          P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-I-T-Y = 154 percent (16+5+18+19+15+14+1+12+9+20+25)
          and finally
          A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E = 100 percent (1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5)

Sometimes it is good to have more then 100 percent but it is not necessary that all time having more will be helpful. It is like having Overconfidence or like having some sort of Ego.

Thank you so much for reading this article. I hope this post maybe helpful to you and it helps you to fulfill your dreams and goals. Share this article with your friends and please leave a reply below in  a comment box. Thank you!

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What is Awesome : It's with us Everytime.

Hello there.
Awesome is not just a word, it has some kind of inner feeling attached with it.

When you are walking on the road and you see a shop full of different kind of flowers and bouquet and by seeing it you feel something that is awesome.

When you are sitting on a bench in the garden and suddenly a leaf came on to you and by seeing it u feel something that is awesome.

When you are talking with someone outside and suddenly someone passes just besides you and with the gentle touch of that person you feel something that is awesome.

When you are thinking something in the balcony and suddenly cold wind starts flowing and with that wind you get the thought that is awesome.

When you are looking at something constantly and suddenly something come up in front of you due to which you feel relaxed then that is awesome.

When you are on a mountain and wondering something and Suddenly you find the group of a bird flying together in a very beautiful shape then that is awesome.

When you are sitting on a chair and you see that suddenly a book is falling down from the desk with all it's pages are flipping automatic due to wind then that is awesome.

When you are driving on the road and suddenly you see a group of small children who were returning from school making noise which is not irritable then that is awesome.

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Friday, April 08, 2016

Parenting & Happiness : A Wonderful Story

I’ve been feeling pretty scattered lately. I think it’s because it’s been 3 weeks since I had quality alone time, and somehow in that time, taking care of myself slipped to the bottom of my priority list, again.

Yes, I know it’s important. At least in theory: taking care of myself will benefit everyone around me, and not doing so will hurt the same people I love. But when things get busy, as they always do, something has to give.

I yelled at Ryan today. At the top of my lungs, I asked, “What do you need from me?? What do you want?” No matter what I did, the boy just kept crying, at the top of his lungs. And by raising my voice I made it even worse. I just lost it. Lost in the noise of my own mind, blinded by frustration. Anger overcame my better judgment.
The look of horror on Ryan’s face is now imprinted on my memory, and I silently whispered a prayer that it isn’t imprinted on his.

When I picked him up, heavy tears rolled down his tiny face. And with the momentum of lifting him up, a few large drops landed on the edge of my mouth. They tasted salty, and at that instant, I felt a pang of sharp pain shooting through my body – pain from the sad realization that I had caused those tears.

I felt like a horrible parent. I felt like a horrible person. After Jeremy came home from work, I told him about it, and the look of disappointment on his face caused me to feel like I needed to be locked away in a dark room and have the keys be thrown away.
It was a pretty rough day. I felt defeated.

Jeremy said, – perhaps taking pity in me – that things like this happen all the time (to other people). I want to believe him, but I’m not sure. I think it’s me. I think I have anger/patience issues that I need to address and overcome.

From where I’m standing, every other parent seems to have it together. I see many new mothers who have the whole parenting thing together – they are not only patient, and make their own baby food, but also manage to take their babies to early education classes, bake for their family, and keep a perfectly organized household.

And then I look at myself: a baby-food-buying “horrible” parent who looses her temper. And our home is so messy that it looks like it’s been hit by a level 4 tornado.
It’s so easy to pick on ourselves when we are feeling bad.

Perhaps, Jeremy is right, that behind the closed door of every household, we aren’t as together as we let the world believe – an idealistic image of perfection and ever-flowing happiness. And only in the privacy of our own mind, do we silently hope that others won’t find out – that we’re not as perfect or happy as the pictures of our smiling faces portray.
I sighed, and thought, “motherhood is hard.”

And then I heard a voice in my heart say, “So what? That’s life! No one said it was gonna be an easy ride? You are creating the horrible experience by your thoughts and by your lack of awareness. You can change this!

Yes! Yes, I can! I can’t change the situation, but I can change, through consistent practice, my reaction to things. You know how the saying goes: you can’t change the wind, but you can adjust the sail. I love that!

Through my own observation, I realized that no matter how beautiful you are, or how wealthy you are, or how successful you are, we all have one thing (of many) in common, and that is, we all have problems (relationship, stress and insecurities are the most common ones I’ve seen.).

My point is we should stop blaming our problems on a lack of something we think we should have (ie. beauty, money, smarts, etc.). Encountering problems is inherent to being human, and part of having the human experience.

The underlying story may be different, but we all have our unique challenges, and we either learn from them and move on, or get stuck and allow the pain to sting a little.
That’s what life is – a constant unfolding of events and challenges that defines our experiences. How we choose to perceive these experiences is up to us. How we choose to welcome or resist the challenges is also up to us.

We, essentially, shape our future, by the decisions we make right now. Regardless of what happened in the past moment, regardless of the ‘mistakes’ we’ve made, the future is always fresh, and the power lies in the Now – where we get to decide how we will direct the path of our future.
Regret and self-pity will only keep us stuck in the past. And only we have the power, to keep ourselves stuck in the unhappiness of our problems.

After Ryan went to bed for the night, Jeremy and I talked about our options, and drilled into why it happened. The results were fruitful and plenty.

And if you’re curious, my biggest take away from that conversation is that I am trying to do too much when watching my son. I am dividing my attention between trying to be productive with house chores and my businesses, and fulfilling the needs of a very active (and very curious) 10 month old.

It just doesn’t work, and it is a conflict. A young child is sensitive enough to pick up on the energy that he doesn’t have your full attention, and will do what it takes to get your attention. At this tender age, it is important that he feels engaged, talked to, played with, read to, and not ignored – because mommy is busy with something else.

Jeremy also reminded me of how lucky we are that I have the option to stay at home and witness our little baby grow into a boy. And that this period of demanding infancy is short lived, and once it’s over, we’ll look back regretting that we didn’t appreciate how beautiful and sacred this period was.

With tears welling up in my eyes, I agreed. We are so lucky to have such a healthy and happy baby boy. And yes, I do take things for granted, and I appreciate the reminder for giving gratitude for the countless blessings in my life.

Next time I feel anger, or find myself at the tip of frustration, before loosing my cool I will do 3 things:
  1. Close my eyes and take a deep breath.
  2. Give gratitude that I have such a healthy and precious baby boy.
  3. Dwell on his innocence. Meditate on his cuteness and purity. Connect with him. In other words, being mindful around him, and appreciating the beautiful moments we have in the Now.
Most importantly, I vow to never yell at him again. I vow to change. I want to change. I want to be a better person… to be a better mom… to become a better role model for my little man.
If he is someone who I would easily give my life for, then I sure as heck can change to become a better person for him. My behavior and reactions to the external are a matter of habits, and a habit can be changed. It’s a matter of decision and commitment.

Today, I’ve decided to change. Today, I am committed to becoming a more patient and dedicated parent.
Along the way, I know I will make mistakes. And when I do, I will be kind to myself. I will accept myself for who I am right now, and know that I am on a pathway of awakening, riding through the challenges and overcoming emotional habits that are not conducive to the wellbeing of my family – who mean the world to me.

This morning (5 days later), while feeding Ryan his breakfast of yogurt and breast milk, in his playful mumbling, I vaguely heard “mama” snuggled in between the “baba” sounds. In that moment, time froze, and I felt as though my heart skipped a beat.

“Ahh, This is what happiness is all about. The simple moments where miracles happen that change you forever.”, I thought.
I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry. I think I did both.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

What is Beautiful : Everything is Beautiful.

Have you ever wondered what is really beautiful? Let me take you to a tour of what is really beautiful.

When a Mother and her two twins child are playing on a beach in the evening then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When a Father and her daughter are playing in the garden and father is saying to his daughter let's go, but daughter is saying 10 more minutes please dad and father says okay, then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When a couple is enjoying their weekend with their child on a hill station and then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When a grandfather, father and his child are playing together in the garden which is full of awesome flowers and that by seeing that you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When two sisters are sitting together on a bench and sharing their problems, supporting each other and smiling together then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When you open your social site in mobile and suddenly you see picture of a person with whom you are not in touch with for long time then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When you are standing in the balcony of 16th floor flat and you see natural beauty then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

When you are wondering on a street and you see suddenly it's started raining and due to that everything looks differently awesome and also you see a rainbow in the sky then you will say wow.. It's beautiful.

Thank you so much for your precious time. Please do share your ideas about what you think is beautiful.
You can also share it with your friends and other people. Thank you!

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Friday, April 01, 2016

Is texting ruining the English language?

" Omg ....isn't it awsum?" ......"Howz lyf" .......... "lol...datz kewl!" 

Ever so often, I have had my associates turn in an assignment, in which the new generation texting language makes an appearance. Although I always remember to mention that these assignments are formal documents and so they should have a very formal tone. 

I have been training people in communication skills for years now and it irks me no end when I have an associate deliver his assignment where the “you “ becomes “u” and the “that” goes ”dat”.

But who can blame them? When they spend endless hours chatting on whatsapp or wechat using this style of writing, isn’t it obvious that this language would quietly find its way into formal documentation. 

I do understand that today’s world of communication is technology driven. It’s a fact that, texting has become the most popular mode of communication today. At work, at meetings, at home, and with friends, texting is making its presence felt almost everywhere.

I am a witness to this ongoing transition. As part of the ILP curriculum, the new entrants to TCS, have to develop a mini project in whichever software language they are getting trained in. These days, I have seen Java project UIs saying “u have been registrd succssfully......!!!!” or a CPP project UI go “do u wnt to proceed furthr?” Whatever happened to the good old vowel sounds? Texting has almost made the vowels obsolete. The sounds that have enabled us throughout the ages to express our emotions and feelings, suddenly find themselves left out. Aren’t we taking a lot of liberty with a language that is known for its refinement. It is almost as if, we have become too lazy to even type our words correctly. And what about the punctuations? “It is just fine to put a few extra exclamations and interrogative marks, they help to create an emphasis”...they say. 

Or is it all a new way to make sense between writing and speaking? Much like the way Phonetics does. Is it a search to write the way we speak? One thing that we all have to agree is that ”English is a funny language”. We never write the way we speak it. At least, the new texting language is doing its bit to make some sense of the written sounds.

On the other hand, it also reminds us that English language is alive and thriving. Probably, this is the way language evolution happens. Every language has been making comprises to suit human needs and requirements, and language changing, in itself, shows the evolution of a society. I am sure that the language we think of as correct English, must have gone through years of similar transformation to be what it is today.

The purpose of any language is to effectively communicate ideas from one to another. And texting enthusiasts argue that our ability to do that is greatly hindered with so much pointless complexity and inconsistency in our language. Hence, simplification is exactly what our language needs and that is what the modified text English is offering us. If we just let go of institutionalized language and let it naturally evolve like it's meant to, we may just have the perfect language in the near future. Probably it would be good to let language evolution take its natural course and grow into something much more effective.

Personally I find it a bit concerning that people are no longer thinking about speaking correctly and that their ability to write correctly is restricted by the limitations of buttons of their phone keypads, or perhaps more significantly, laziness.

So, wat do u say abt dat? Do u think txting is ruinin' d English language... or r v jst bein' overly senstiv 2wrds dis topic?? 

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Make Life Precious: Wank up Inspired!

Inspiration is typically viewed as something that comes and goes. Some days you “feel it” more than others.

But what if you could be deeply and unconditionally inspired everyday? I bet it would make a difference in the quality of your life. You would probably wake up excited to start your day. You'd get more done, be more creative and feel more of that elusive “flow.” Being inspired also means enjoying the process more, instead of feeling forced and unnatural.

The best part of persistent inspiration is that action tends to be effortless. There isn’t so much trying, rather you're more simply being and allowing whatever action is natural to flow out from you.
Most of us just wait for inspiration though. We passively anticipate our muse, instead of actively seeking it out.
You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
~Jack London

I’ve been experimenting with something different for a while, purposefully taking responsibility for being inspired. For a while I didn’t know if it would work. Inspiration is kind of an elusive phenomenon after all. And even if you choose to look for inspiration, does that mean it will come?
The answer is yes, and no.

Actively creating an inspired state doesn’t work 100% of the time. Sometimes instead you will feel calm, centered and relaxed instead of being filled with electric motivation. And that’s okay.
Here’s the thing though: deliberately choosing to be inspired tends to create a more consistent inspired state over time. That is, the more you flip the switch, the more it becomes automatic and spontaneous.
So the question is… How can you reinforce inspiration, so that it becomes automatic?
I’ve found a few ways to helps this along:

1. Eat inspiration for breakfast.

Who are some of the people that inspire you or have influenced your work? Who do you want to be like, who are some of your mentors? Take some time in the morning to read something they’ve written, or watch a video they've created.

2. Reflect on your reasons why.

We should all have deeply emotional reasons behind the goals we set (if you don’t, they might be the wrong goals). Reviewing the reasons behind our intentions help us to remember why we’re doing what we’re doing. Without that purpose, it can be hard to stay inspired.

3. Discard unwanted commitments.

We often say yes to too much. It’s much harder to deliberately choose our projects than to blindly accept whatever comes our way. Regularly reviewing your commitments to make sure that you’re only working on things that truly excite you is essential to being inspired. You can’t expect to be excited about things you didn’t consciously choose or desire.

4. Create an inspiring physical space.

What is it that you truly love to do? What gets your energy flowing and your blood rushing? Surround your physical space in things that will remind you of and reinforce your passion. If art is your passion, make sure your surroundings reflect that. Put up pictures from your favorite artists. Have an easel nearby with paint ready. If your passion is architecture, surround your space with pictures of your favorite buildings, or structures. Let your space be a constant inspirational reinforcement. It only takes a few hours to setup at the most, and after that it’s constantly working for you on autopilot.

5. Surround yourself with inspiring people.

The people you socialize and engage with will have a big impact on your level of inspiration. Choose to be selective about the people you let into your life, and what type of energy they bring to your circle of influence. You can start by following inspiring people on Twitter or keeping in touch with the work of leaders and innovators you admire.

6. Challenge yourself.

The more you move in the direction of things that challenge and make you a bit nervous, the more likely you will find inspiration. You can’t expect to be inspired by doing the same thing every day, following the same routine, working at the same boring job, watching the same boring television shows. You have to decide to follow your passions, engage in the world and choose paths that might make you feel a bit uncomfortable.

7. Create space.

Probably the most neglected of all ways to find inspiration is the most counterintuitive. Sometimes to be inspired, we have to step away… we have to create space and room for our passions to breathe. Spending time hiking and in nature is my favorite way to do this. It’s in the gaps that beauty is found. It’s the empty space that makes a cup useful.
These are all great ways to cultivate a more inspired life, but I think perhaps the most important thing to focus on is the feeling you want to create.

Feeling first, then action

Most of the time we look for the feeling we want to have from or as a result of the action we’re taking. We seek to feel a certain way through the pursuits we engage in. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with this approach, it’s just that it can often lead to misjudgment on what goals are truly right for us.
On the other hand, if we focus on what we want to feel first – enjoyment, creativity, connection, excitement, etc. – then we set ourselves up for naturally engaging in action that supports those feelings. Our actions become a reflection of the way we feel, not the other way around.

Inspiration is a choice

Cultivating a life of sustainable inspiration is something that I’m working toward each day. I’m too impatient to wait around for inspiration to fall on my lap, or into my head.
I don’t think living an inspired life happens by accident.
I think inspiration is a choice.

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