
          Do you know what is attitude? Attitude is one kind of skill which is different in each person. We can also say that attitude is a physiological response to people, occurrence, society, objects and circumstances to life itself.

          Do you know we can judge attitude of any particular person and even a person can also judge attitude of himself. It seems like we are judging a person carefully with his behavior and styles. We can also have different attitudes towards the same thing depending on whom we are dealing with, the actual context of an exchange or an event or occurrence. They can also be ambivalent, that is you feel both positive and negative attitudes towards the same thing at the same time.

         Do you know attitude means 100% in the meaning of numbers. If you will compare the each letter of attitude with number coming of that letter and after that with adding all that numbers finally you will get the answer in terms of 100. So, having attitude to any person seems that person has 100% in him/her.

There are mainly three types in which we can define it which are as follows:
  1. An Emotional Component: How the object, person, issue or event makes you feel.
  2. A Cognitive Component: Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject.
  3. A Behavioral Component: How the attitude influences your behavior.

There are some several ways in which we can define attitude as written below.

  • In social psychology, attitude is the belief, perception and judgment that reflects the classification and evaluation of persons, objects, situations, with a like or dislike label. Attitudes are inferred; they are not objectively observable, though they are manifested in conscious experience, verbal reports, overt behavior and physiological indicators.
  • Some investigators account attitudes for observed regularities in the behavior of individual persons towards persons, events presenting the same characteristics.
  • To another group of investigators, attitudes correlate with your values. For example, a person who highly values justice and the person categorize politicians as interfering with justice, the person’s attitude is taken to be negative.
  • Another definition of attitude is the underlying predisposition, as opposed to while opinions that are more overt manifestations.
  • A rarer distinction is to equate attitude with unconscious and irrational tendencies and opinions with conscious and rational activities.
  • Others still view attitudes as meaningful and central and consider opinions as more peripheral and inconsequential.
  • Another popular definition of attitude is that it is a question of taste, so it is subjective, whereas, opinions are based on facts are objective.
  • Some make critical distinctions between attitudes and a number of related terms such as values, interests, sentiments, attitudes, beliefs and opinions. These have been arranged in the degree of specificity with values being the broader tendencies and beliefs and opinions being the narrowest tendencies. Accordingly to this terminology, the difference between attitude and the related terms being one of degree rather than of kind.
  • Another suggestion is that attitudes translate beliefs that impel action, while knowledge is more intellectual and passive.

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