Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why Do We Take Someone Else Advises And Not Our Parents?

This is a story of a guy who wants to start his own business or wants to invest in stock market. He just wants to quit his own job because he was tired of doing the same work over and over again. It all happens when suddenly one day a quote flashes on his screen.

The quote was from "CHARLES BUKOWSKI", Factotum, 1975. It was a very famous quote : 
"How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 am by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?"

This quote made so much influence on his mind that from that day he could not concentrate on his job and had started analyzing on doing some business and also he was taking advises from people around. After doing so much searching and taking advises one day he finally decides to quit his job and start his own business or something else but not the job so that he can enjoy his own life and be grateful to the things going around and most importantly made lots of money for himself to enjoy life as well also give his parents life they might have dreamed about when they were young.

The guy started taking advises from different people. First of all he ask them to give their opinion on whether "They would like to do their own business or will they just continue doing the work for somebody else?" The responses he got for this question were quite interesting.

Someone told that "It is hard for them to start his own business. It requires financial security."
Someone told that "It takes courage to start the business and it might not end up well."
Someone told that "They don't have any knowledge in business then how is it possible for them to do so?"
Someone told that "They don't have financial background so that they can not even think of it."
Someone told that "What business should I start? I don't have any idea on what should I do."

These are some of the responses that he got from different people.
There is one common thing we can see from the responses that they are having lack of self confidence and also they are afraid to take the risk.

After taking their opinions he also take some advises from the people so that he might find some useful stuff and can utilize that in future. Now here is the main thing. The guy has taken advises from so many people but he didn't ask his parents who have also lived their life and may faces so many challenges. We can take advises from the people and also they will give but it is not sure that the advise they are giving is right or genuine. While if we ask from our parents then surely they will try their best to give us the proper advise and we can blindly believe it. We can blindly accept it and it is always genuine. So why do we take someone else advise when we can take the best advise from our parents?.

Lastly I would like to mention that our parents makes so many sacrifices for us. Sometimes we don't even know what they might have let go for themselves so that we can get the best or whatever we want. So, I think first we need to take advise from our parents and then we can also take other people's advise.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

What is Awesome : It's with us Everytime.

Hello there.
Awesome is not just a word, it has some kind of inner feeling attached with it.

When you are walking on the road and you see a shop full of different kind of flowers and bouquet and by seeing it you feel something that is awesome.

When you are sitting on a bench in the garden and suddenly a leaf came on to you and by seeing it u feel something that is awesome.

When you are talking with someone outside and suddenly someone passes just besides you and with the gentle touch of that person you feel something that is awesome.

When you are thinking something in the balcony and suddenly cold wind starts flowing and with that wind you get the thought that is awesome.

When you are looking at something constantly and suddenly something come up in front of you due to which you feel relaxed then that is awesome.

When you are on a mountain and wondering something and Suddenly you find the group of a bird flying together in a very beautiful shape then that is awesome.

When you are sitting on a chair and you see that suddenly a book is falling down from the desk with all it's pages are flipping automatic due to wind then that is awesome.

When you are driving on the road and suddenly you see a group of small children who were returning from school making noise which is not irritable then that is awesome.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Mistakes: Makes Us Learn For Better Ourselves.

          Mistakes simply show us something that we didn't already know. Hmm... It sounds like those dreaded mistakes that we're so afraid of... and those dreaded mistakes that we try so hard to avoid... don't really have to be looked at as dreaded mistakes and painful experiences after all.

          We can view our mistakes through a different lens and now see a friendly, lovable mentor, or a caring, patient teacher, or maybe even a wise and winning coach that is just trying to point something out to us that we need to know, but don't already know.

          So I guess it would be beneficial for all of us to change our paradigm of mistakes from one of a foe to one of a friend. Changing this paradigm though will require one to control their thoughts. Thoughts become things. Negative thoughts put us in closer proximity to negative things.

          The good news is that we can avoid this negativity trap by just changing or model or paradigm of what mistakes really mean to us. We must control our thoughts. We must believe that mistakes are an old wise mentor pointing out a few things that we don't know yet. This new way of looking at mistakes pushes us into taking action and helps us stop small mounds of trouble from growing into massive mountains of misery.

          We can avoid the Mt. Everest shadow from over-taking us by just being grateful for the small mistakes that we make today. Those small mistakes of today are just pointing out some small things that we don't already know while simultaneously helping us avoid the big, ugly, and nasty mistakes lurking in the shadows of tomorrow.

          Now moms, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, mistakes are our friends because they just simply show us some things that we didn't already know. So let's control our thoughts and remember that mistakes are good because they teach us many valuable lessons. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

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